
Welcome to Tech Geek Fact

This is the first article on a new sort of website for technology enthusiasts.

Tech Geek Fact’s focus will be smartphones, tablets, computers and the permutations between. The site will reach beyond these consumer-electronic bounds to other tech that affects today’s life as well as science that reveals technological paths to the future.

TGF aims to put fact over the me-first race to break news first. Too often, that rush omits details and explanation.

Tech Geek Fact will fact-check claims among those who comment and report on technology. Often, the site will include commentary about possibilities for tech developments, while stating clearly the foul lines between fact and speculation.

Glenn Marston is the editor and writer. He is a lifelong technology enthusiast.

Marston has been a newspaper managing editor twice, editorial page editor twice and assistant editor three times, and is an author. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in mass communications from the University of South Florida and a fact-checking certificate from Poynter News University.

Tech Geek Fact is published by Inform Well, LLC, for which Marston is president.

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